A panoramic view of the Okanagan Valley with West Kelowna in the foreground and mountains in the background

Sara J. Wilson and Richard J. Hebda

From the Executive Summary

This report provides an overview of:

  • the role that natural ecosystems play to mitigate and adapt to climate change;
  • the projected impacts of climate change on ecosystems in British Columbia
  • and, strategies to reduce impacts, focusing on conservation and ecosystem protection.

From the Forward

Conservation organizations, government agencies, public and private foundations, corporations and businesses associated with land development or resource extraction, and the general public need to recognize that protecting natural areas is an essential and cost effective way to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

The Land Trust Alliance of BC has commissioned this report to raise awareness of the increasing need to protect the natural ecosystems of our Earth, habitats for wildlife and biodiversity, native plants and species on all landscapes, and wilderness and park areas for our own health, and the health of all life. We also hope that by providing substantive analysis of ecosystem values and projected climate change impacts in BC ecosystems, that conservation organizations, associated government agencies, land use professionals and land trusts will be better able to plan conservation, restoration and protection strategies considering the projected and real impacts of a changing climate in British Columbia.

Without increasing the protection of our dwindling natural ecosystems, including the life-supporting services and knowledge that they provide, our communities and the diversity of other wildlife and species, including the Earth’s biosphere, will have little ability to adapt to the upcoming challenges of climate change. as this report clearly demonstrates, protecting ecosystems achieves mitigation and adaptation goals, in addition to providing the protection of the essential ecological services and processes in the face of a changing climate.

See the report [PDF 1.42MB].